

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not even a breath.

So I(kami) was talking to Val yesterday. it really got my mind 'racing' you could say. She expressed to me how much she missed old oakky, and all of us. she was looking through blogs and face-books pictures of this school year and started crying because how much she misses all of us and how sad she is that she is missing all of this.

After she said this i started thinking how I always say "yeah i just cant wait for summer again" or "i hate school" and what not. which is unfortunately extremely sad. We shouldn't feel that way.. Lately i have been listening to this song. (sorry it wont let me embed it right now so just click on this) Now this song is beautiful, from lyrics, to her voice, and the melody. but most importantly the meaning behind it.

"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean. When-ever one door closes i hope one more opens. and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance"

Beautiful. Brilliantly written right? but defiantly the most heart touching line written and said in this song is,
"may you never take ONE breath for granted"
when in reality we take almost all of this world and this life for granted. (not trying to be rude, just venting here) we are very selfish for all we have. weather we are dirt poor living on the streets, we have SO much to be thankful for. and i think we need to work harder on just being happy, and thankful for it all, rather than, taking school and being with all our friends and simple things that we may hate or granted. each breath reeks of so many opportunities and overcome challenges, and we need to recognize that more.

I am not trying to make anyone sad or feel guilty about this. Heaven forbid im perfect at this especially, but we just need to see the glass half full more, rather than half empty. being able to go to school with everyone we love is such a blessing in its self. Having pictures posted of us making the UGLIEST faces possible is amazing. the matter that people can find amusement out of that!

now, im done 'venting' so you could say. but i love you all and we need more posts! so send pictures to Sarah and she will post crazy storiess!

Kiss' by Kami

1 comment:

  1. Kami thanks really you are such a great friend for doing all this!





its always becca's house.

were ducks.

were ducks.