

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Slow Dance

Please read this poem...


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask "How are you?"
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say "Hi"?
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
this is a poem that is hanging in my room. I read it at least once a day. It is by far my favorite poem. not because of the 'dance' aspect in it. but the story line.

We get caught up so much lately with designer jeans, and what group of friends we are with. Honestly ladies? lets see deeper than that. we are better than that.

when we were in 8th grade i remember everyone saying "When we are freshmen, we aren't going to sit on the '9th grade benches' and we are going to be nice to everyone! not like the 9th graders we have now"

look at us. neither of those are true. and its so upsetting.

honestly. lets get a reality check. stop sticking your noses so high. now im not saying im perfect. im far from it. but weather its saying you want to go somewhere for someone (for instince im going to use art with heart.)
this is something that upset me a lot.
a lot of you girls have asked when i have dance performances. saying you want to come. i love that! but when i tell you all. with such a hope that someone, just one someone will be in the audience for me. but i always get my hopes up too high. because after i told you all about art with heart, i got some responses like "i will try to come!" and what not. its not the matter that none of you wanted to come and see me. its the fact that you wouldnt spend money to HELP a child in NEED. you realize that these kids, were normal, they danced, cheered played softball and what not. and one day they woke up and were told "you never can do that again. you cant walk anymore"
now stop. and put your self in that position. i hope tears are running down your eyes. as they are mine. To see that child they spotlighted, Malia. She said "i used to love to dance. and watching all of you tonight made me so happy. i felt joy again."

Valerie came home. for ONE weekend. and we ALL decided we should play with our 'boyfriends' instead. really? we see them everyday. and we cant give up one weekend for a freind who doesnt live here anymore. that makes me sick. We shouldnt even have boyfriends yet, what are we doing? we are ruining friendships.... And highschool, we should base it off of where our friend group is going. not where our 'love' is going. truth be told, we dont know what love is. so lets all stick together. not be lame, lets spend more time healing relationships with those lost. not cuddling next to boys who one day we wont give a darn about. lets be real. be the girls we look up to. and the ones that are nice to everyone.

now i know i got a little harsh there. but honestly, we need a change. we are self-ish, inconsiderate teenagers. come on girls. we are better than that. we need to change. ---

this song discribes our struggles perfectly. hum this song to yourself when ever making any disisions. or just going throughout the day, it will make you a better person. i swear...

now girls, i love you all unconditionally, but im kinda ashamed of how we all turned out. come on, lets try harder, "When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
"It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over."
remember that poem and song. remember who you are. and who you want to be.
for me. i remember Maddie Mecum. cause she is everything that i wrote above...
try to have people want to remember you.

i love you all.
- Kami

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Better together?

You know it! and i was flipping through the pictures of when val moved, our "better together photo shoot" thinking, since we are missing people. we need to do another one. and just for the heck of it...(:

obviously we will be missing some people again. it would be very rare and amazing if we got EVERYONE in all at once.

but anyways. whos with me? lets get this set up? yeaaahh(:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Walk uprightly

I would like to say thank you to kami and yes it's true I need pictures from you guys! It's so fun to keep up with the blog and have you guys comment and keep us posted! I want you guys to read this quote because it truly touched my heart and it is from Thomas s. Monson!
I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us.

There is really nothing more true than that statement and this is for you guys to read when you are having hard trials in your lives! I love you all so much!

Not even a breath.

So I(kami) was talking to Val yesterday. it really got my mind 'racing' you could say. She expressed to me how much she missed old oakky, and all of us. she was looking through blogs and face-books pictures of this school year and started crying because how much she misses all of us and how sad she is that she is missing all of this.

After she said this i started thinking how I always say "yeah i just cant wait for summer again" or "i hate school" and what not. which is unfortunately extremely sad. We shouldn't feel that way.. Lately i have been listening to this song. (sorry it wont let me embed it right now so just click on this) Now this song is beautiful, from lyrics, to her voice, and the melody. but most importantly the meaning behind it.

"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean. When-ever one door closes i hope one more opens. and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance"

Beautiful. Brilliantly written right? but defiantly the most heart touching line written and said in this song is,
"may you never take ONE breath for granted"
when in reality we take almost all of this world and this life for granted. (not trying to be rude, just venting here) we are very selfish for all we have. weather we are dirt poor living on the streets, we have SO much to be thankful for. and i think we need to work harder on just being happy, and thankful for it all, rather than, taking school and being with all our friends and simple things that we may hate or granted. each breath reeks of so many opportunities and overcome challenges, and we need to recognize that more.

I am not trying to make anyone sad or feel guilty about this. Heaven forbid im perfect at this especially, but we just need to see the glass half full more, rather than half empty. being able to go to school with everyone we love is such a blessing in its self. Having pictures posted of us making the UGLIEST faces possible is amazing. the matter that people can find amusement out of that!

now, im done 'venting' so you could say. but i love you all and we need more posts! so send pictures to Sarah and she will post crazy storiess!

Kiss' by Kami

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey y'all! Well it's ninth grade and we are ruling the school!;) what's some
News?! I wanna know! I'm gonna post some new pictures! Happy birthday to Kenna carly and Tracy! Also kami and Valerie for the summer birthdays! Anyone else
I am missing out on? Diana is next!:) I love you guys a billion and a half!!! So glad we get to be in ninth grade together! We truly are better together! Hey Halloween is soon so let's be excited ya?!
Much love,


Where's some new posts? i dont really have any new stuff with all y'all, cause of how crazy life has been lately. so i need some updates! im still updating my blog, and now i want to see whats new with all of you! Give some love! lay down unnecessary dish! i want it all!

♥always/ Kiss' By Kami

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Friend we truely love

A day we all dreaded. but came closer and closer... Valerie, we all love you and will miss you terribly. You have lit a flame inside each and every one of us. you have been an older sister, hero, biggest fan, to some a twin/triplet/quadruplet, a great spirit to be around, an uplifter, a crying shoulder, and best of all, a best friend.. the list goes on and on also. We all have been blessed so much by you. we have been given one of the greatest things in life. Love and Friendship all because we met you. you bring the best and worst out of all of us. you know each of our deepest secrets. you have been there weather we feel off a bike, or broke up with a boy. you have made us laugh till we pee. you, you, you! you have blessed us with so many memories and stories to tell for ever and ever. ones that we will never forget. and they will stay with us forever. you have given a piece of you to each of us! all we can do now is pay it forward and uplift some others. never forget who you are. always smile cause you light up the room. everyone will love you at your new school. and at home. you uplift everyone you meet. and continue to do that! we love you to the moon and back. we cant say that enough.

if you have something to share, comment bellow!

Monday, July 26, 2010

We love Valerie..

Yes its true. we do! we love her mucho mucho! on face book is all the might i say *rough* and *raw* pictures. i tried to upload them onto here but my computer was struggling!

Thank you so much all those who were there, it was really so fun and i love you all! thanks for helping out and making great pictures! i love you!!!!!! Val we will miss you!!! we love you so much!

ps. anyone who would like to could add the pictures on here. at any time....(:
pss. might i add EVERYONE looks STUNNING! i dont want to hear ANY complaints... (well okay, some of them are a little rough) but everyone looks so beautiful! i am so proud to say you are my friends! (kenna, yours are flawless! dont even talk!)
kiss' by kami(:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Photo shoot Madness

Okay girls... here is the deal... We have to come to the realization that there will be at least ONE, at minimum girl that wont be there. We have tried over and over again to make it work for everyone.. but with 15 girls, a photographer and a very small time range its nearly impossible. we feel terrible, but reality is it wont work. we tried to move the time up to around 10/11 am... but at that time we lack a real professional photographer and we lack about 4 or 5 girls.... at 6:30 pm we are missing about 2 girls. the photographer we are using is my sister, Kimber... the reason she couldn't do an earlier time is she has work, school, and a child to take care of.. We need to think about the whole picture and not just "i wont be there" i'm not trying to point fingers.. So the time we are doing is 3:45. Meet at brink's house & we'll all drive to the amphitheater together. I love you all so much, we can use photo shop and get you in some pictures, but reality is it wont work with the time issue we have. im terribly sorry...

Love, Kami

For those who will be there, remember denim shorts, Spring color tops and shoes that describe you...

Directions to the amphitheater: go on state street until you get to 1100 East, Turn right... (toward the hospital) follow that road to 700 North and turn left follow that until you see it on your right hand side. Its just west of the temple

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Pictures!

alright everyone... i got lots of pictures uploaded but there is no such thing as too much! as for carly and becca... thank you for making up a name for yourself... btw i changed mine so it is californiagirl423. to see what everyone's is just look on the side of the blog at the thing that says about us! sounds good ya? keep sending pictures and be sure to check out the blog! thanks so much!
-Sarah (californiagirl423)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


joe. i love you. i also enjoy dancing with you on the moon with edna. night:)
I also love playing with chalk and having mud fights while in the sprinklers with you.

HUNGRY AND BROKE? Tips for the future...

Okay...when you don't have money and your hungry, what do you do? MOOOOOOOO and QWACK and BARK at people.....sometimes you get free ice cream.....alright.
- sunlovingbeachbums57

So Listen...

Mm okay? New blog. Alright. So if you want to be part of this, you need to email in pictures and participate much in this blog! The email you need to send pics to is! yah? okay! sounds good! love all of you!





its always becca's house.

were ducks.

were ducks.